At Sacred Future, we are interested in

three goals for You and Our Sacred World:


That all people experience true self-empowerment and self-unity through re-membering

all fragments back into Divine Wholeness.


That humanity rises out of deception, fear and doubt, and into courageous and liberating truth-telling and transparency. 


That all people experience the joy and creative freedom of personal and planetary sovereignty, and the triumph that comes with personal mastery on a devoted path of awakening.


When these three goals are met, we call this Personal and Planetary Ascension.


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Reclaim Your Ebb : The Value of Integration Time on the Path of Self-Healing

Experiential Journeys Into Mayan Wisdom

A Collaboration of Sacred Future and Miguel Angel Vergara



Duane’s and my adventure to Yucatan, Quintana Roo and Teotihuacan in October of 2024 was full of unexpected magic. We met with many elder Wisdom Keepers and discussed the course humanity is taking and can take.

We also spent three-days with our teacher, Miguel Angel Vergara, deep diving into the topics of Mayan Pathways to Awakening and asking questions like, “How do today’s seekers utilize ancient Mayan practices to attain Cosmic Consciousness?” and “How can we guide others through this transformation? Where do we start?”

What intrigues me about the Mayan practices for awakening is that they have survived from the times of Atlantis or Tulan, from the times where many E.T. cultures lived together on Earth, from the time of advanced technology before the “mudfloods” and forgetting took hold. Therefore, when we dig into the Mayan codices and original texts, we find images, stories and even proof of Giants, of Little People, of flying vehicles, and powerful initiation rites which include the use of psychotropic master plants. The Maya will play a critical role in the future around disclosing the truth to humanity.


There is a transformative book I’ve recently read called Book of Destiny by Carlos Barrios. In this book he speaks of his revered teacher Don Pascual, who lived deep in the mountainous jungles of Guatemala, and how his teacher assured him that there are codices the Mayan spiritual societies have kept hidden all this time, and when the time is right, they will reveal the information about who we truly are, to the masses.

Until this is revealed, Miguel Angel, Duane and I plan on supporting as many people as are ready, to take their first steps into a New Earth Mayan Initiation. We truly believe that with the right harmonic environment, one where the supernatural energies are still alive, and working with Mayan techniques, such as cleansing, chanting, meditation, and when appropriate, working with the plant-allies, the Pathways of Awakening will open within our own body-minds.


Natural calendars will play a prominent role in the New Earth. Each of us will take the step when we’re called to. As we ascend, our relationship to TIME will change. Time will cease to be a force driving us through our lives, and become a tool to use to create with. In a 4th Density perspective of time, we are more likely to feel time-LESS, and this will generate cells in our bodies that behave differently. We will actually live longer, because we won’t believe that linear time is a finite structure holding us within it.

The Mayan Astronomy and Calendrical systems are embedded in INFINITY, or Cosmic Law. Many spiritual seekers have come across modernized Mayan calendars such as the “Dream Spell”. These are powerful to work with initially, yet are not rooted in accuracy. The Mayan elders I’ve spoken with emphasize they want the record straight, these modernized calendars do not represent the Maya and if true seekers would like to learn the Mayan calendar system, it is an initiation path. The Maya people themselves will study for their whole lives to become adept at working with the calendars and astrology, and will still only scratch the surface. Yet, there is an invitation here to begin unplugging from dis-harmonic linear time structures, such as the Gregorian calendar established in 1582 and the Julian calendar system established by Julius Ceasar.




Tzolkin Master Class with Miguel Angel

May 31 – July 5, 2025 ( 6 week course)

Saturdays from 9:00 – 11:00 AM Pacific Time

Now we actually have an opportunity to dive into the Mayan calendars in a true way with real teachers!

In the Spring of 2025, I will be supporting Miguel Angel in offering a Tzolkin Master Class. The calendar we will start with will be the Yucatec Mayan Lunar Calendar or the Tzolkin. You will also get an overview of the other main calendars being used still today, including the Long Count.

The Tzolkin calendar does not track linear time, it speaks to energies and our ability to feel those energies within us. It is how we flow within nature, and come back into balance when we fall out of balance.

Our aim with this offering is to have students EMBODY the energies of each day, to draw the symbols and chant with their names, and to come to know the calendars as Living Consciousness guiding and blessing your reality and inspiring your intentions for how to proceed into your future.

Course Fee:  $600