A 4-month Journey of Ancestral Healing & Empowerment

Online Course

Days and Times:  Tuesdays,  June 10 & 24 ,  July 8 & 22 ,  August 5 & 19 ,  September 2 & 16

3:00 – 5:00 PM  Hawaii Time  |  6:00 – 8:00 PM Pacific Time


My life changed when I began learning about my Ancestors! 

That was in 2007, when I took a graduate course with Dr. Apela Colorado called Ancestral Shamanism.

I remember telling her, “I don’t really feel interested in researching my ancestors. Can I focus on people who are not

in my blood lineage?”

She said NO.

She explained to me that my life was about to change…

and that change was going to come from reaching out to my healthy ancestors in my own bloodline.

I had no idea!!

I am a Medium, as many of you know. I didn’t realize how strong of a medium I was until this course with Apela.

As I began my research, my Ancestors responded by reaching out to me in dreams and through synchronicities.

By the end of Apela’s course, I had put so many pieces together as to why I was the way I was!

Herbalism came from my Father’s Mother’s line.

Spiritual Healing from my Mother’s Mother’s line.

Working with the land, farming and growing food, from my Father’s Father’s line.

And a deep connection with nature and being with the ocean from my Mother’s Father’s line.

         Since that course, plus a more extensive experience with Apela, plus a deep initiation dive into the Ifa-Orisa lineage from

         Nigeria, and researching many other Ancestral reverence practices of many global cultures, I have become a big

fan of Ancestral Re-connection.



If you feel ready to embark on your own life-changing journey,

I am offering a four-month experiential Ancestral research course over the summer.


~ Useful techniques for geneological research.

~ Meditation and Shamanic practices to foster healthy connection with your elevated Ancestors

~ How to read the signs of communication and set healthy boundaries with your ancestors.

~ How to get “proofs” – Triagulating research with synchronicities and dreams to confirm information.

~ How to use photography and videography to track, map, and present your Experiential Research.


Every two-weeks we will gather to deepen in our Ancestral Connections. We will spend our first hour together in Shamanic Journeywork followed by Q&A. The second hour will focus on how to go about Experiential Research and documentation. The final month of our journey is dedicated to students presenting their Ancestral Journey of Reconnection in a 15 minute slide-show or video!

Phase One – Building your Ancestor Shrine and healthy Meditation practices

Phase Two – Research

Phase Three – Mapping the Journey with videography & photography

Phase Four – Creating your presentation

Phase Five through Eight – Meditations and Presentations


Experiential Research with our Ancestors is so impactful, especially when we strive to uncover the shamanic and spiritual traditions and practices of our ancestors!

Often students realize they’ve found their way to the traditional practices of their ancestors organically, just proving how deeply we are influenced by our DNA.

I’ve heard it over and over again…  “I feel like I have the strength of a huge tree at my back now!” and “I feel like I really know myself now, in such a deep way, I’m unshakeable!”

YES! This is why I offer this journey. This is the blessing it had on my life!


This course will be held on Zoom, on online conferencing platform.

Days and Times:  Tuesdays,  June 10 & 24 ,  July 8 & 22 ,  August 5 & 19 ,  September 2 & 16

3:00 – 5:00 PM  Hawaii Time  |  6:00 – 8:00 PM Pacific Time

Requirements for joining this Experiential Research group:  

Be able to attend all classes

Be on time

Be willing to put in the work of creating your presentation in a creative way



 The fee is $50 per class, paid in full and in advance to the course beginning. Thank you!