Maria’s Story

Online & In-person Learning
Journey through three levels of self-mastery while participating in an online forum and live classes, small group practicums and a week-long retreat.

Those coming together to explore a high-frequency course such as this are extraordinary people, with beautiful gifts to share.

Hawai’i Master Class Retreat
Join your fellow students for an in-person powerful and life-changing final training with Wise Teacher Qi, the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins, and Pele!

What is the Dragon Path Mystery School?
“Greetings. I am Wise Teacher Qi Ang Xong. Welcome to my school.
” These mystical traditions came out of communing with the forces of nature and cosmos. Therefore there are the natural practices to enhance the natural body. And there are the celestial practices to enhance the celestial body. We will start with basic natural practices to strengthen physical, mental and emotional health and balance. Then we will weave in the celestial complimentary practices. Eventually they become one practice.
“The art of working with Qi is as old as time itself. The Ancients, our ancestral teachers, didn’t discover these ways, they arrived already knowing them. For our great teachers came from the celestial realms to this realm to support balance, ascension and harmony. They taught the beings on Earth how to enhance their chi and expand their consciousness using Ying-Yang, polarity balancing practices.
“These practices and traditions have spread throughout your world, taking on different focuses and goals. Some are found in the martial arts, some in Qigong and Tai Chi, and some funneled into the art of Wu Wei.
“Yet there are core original principles and understandings, like diamonds, unbreakable, that run through all these pathways. An adapted form of this is what I will teach you. For these diamond teachings reside in the Oneness, the middle way, the center. These teachings are the heart of the Universe and are living wisdom within Universal Law. These truths are the unifying force of your galaxy and they exist within every living thing.
“Dragon Ancestors, the eternal ancient ones, are the original keepers of these codes. They trained the original human masters. And we now offer this wisdom to you.
What is the Becoming the Harmonic Self
Course with Wise Teacher Qi?
Goal of the course, as stated by Grand Master Qi:
- To enhance your life-force and resiliency
- To be able to generate a strong personal energy field whenever you choose
- To feel confident in mental, physical and spiritual practices to accomplish this
- To benefit from positive life changes due to your new radiant life-force, including – better health, mental clarity, circulation, breath, calm nervous system, digestion
- Clearing of toxic guilt, shame, resentment and blame and a lightening of the heart
- Knowing and feeling yourself in the Harmonic Universe as a Harmonic Being
The Journey

“The work will begin in THE CAVE. This represents Meditation.
All practice begins with stillness. Before movement, there is stillness. Before light and color, there is darkness and the void.
Students are invited to explore their nothingness, before they encounter the truth of their everythingness. You could say, it is the womb of the Mother. She will birth you into the movement and light when your gestation is complete, and not before. Can you trust her wisdom? Can you relax and receive the “dreaming” of your coming new life?
Without anchoring to her first, you are not resourced for sustainable practices in moving chi.

“Second teaching is the FIRST LIGHT. This represents Contemplation.
From the void, the stillness, the no-thought, comes thought. Consciousness begins to explore color, shapes, visions, feelings. This is the Father.
In this step students open into an exploration of the nature of their own consciousness. Contemplation, observation, awareness. Who Am I? What Is Consciousness? What am I capable of? What is the nature of reality? What is the power of Love?
From within the stillness, the inquiries of contemplation find their answers. Answers flood in gently yet clearly as knowing, often without words. You know much more than you think you know.

“Third teaching is GREEN SHOOTS. This represents Taking Form and an Exploration of Individuality.
In this step students explore the journey from the arising of self-awareness to becoming a creator of reality. Chi is the most fundamental emanation of consciousness in form. Chi is life-force. It is energy. To discover what you’re capable of as a human being you must connect with your chi and come to know it.
Everyone experiences Chi differently and will be called to use or direct it differently, depending on your personal design and mission. Are you grass, a shrub, sea kelp, or a Sequoia tree? Each of these patterns use chi in unique ways. It will be through the somatic practices that students will come to understand their own unique design. Yet all new life starts as green shoots. The God-codes are there, in the original spark; this unified truth connects all life forms. The plants and animals live in the universal harmonic. They are your allies and will bestow good fortune to those who stay connected.

“Fourth teaching is SOLAR SHIELD. This step represents the arising of your personal connection to God-Source and the integration of this with the ego in the daytime, material world.
Through contemplation you recognize there is a life-giving force helping you to expand and grow. The green shoot feels the sun, yet perhaps takes it for granted as it opens to its existence. Then eventually as the life form matures, contemplation becomes more complex, and the question is asked, What is this light? What is this heat? What is this life-giving power? Then the connection to the Sun and awareness of the sun happens. As this happens, the being recognizes that the light of the sun creates its own life. That the light is streaming through its own body, one with itself. The Sun and I Are One. Now, the life form has gone from a sense of aloneness or solitary existence, to a sense of connection and awareness of oneness. Before the being was vulnerable. Now the being is empowered and fortified in faith. The protection and power to deflect poisonous thought forms and energies comes from this knowing. ~I am Loved. I am Held. I am Infused with Source Love. I am Connected. I am Free and in Harmony with the One.~
From this state – there is no fear. That is true protection.

” Fifth teaching is LUNAR DRAGON. This step represents the balance for Solar Shield of intuition and spiritual knowing.
The Lunar Dragon moves on the Earth between the worlds. When the sun sets in your waking world, doors open on the Astral Plane to other realms. This step asks students to reflect on their life choices, behaviors, and relationships; and with the light of the new morning, making changes to align with the Harmony again.
The lunar perspective helps you to see things you weren’t seeing before. Your eyes shift to see in the dark. Energy, auras, and other realms are more accessible to your senses at night. As I’ve taught before, to create your Service Path on Earth, you must remember, learn and know it on the energetic first. The House of Day is stronger when it is rooted in the House of Night.

“And the Sixth teaching is DIAMOND WISDOM. This step represents living the universal wisdom and being the unified earthly and celestial presence.
Yes, you have remembered it! This is the embodiment of your own Harmonic-consciousness. The remembering of your Higher Dimensional Dragon nature. Your ancient master wisdom comes online and the God-codes are pulsing in the heart of every meridian center. Diamond Wisdom speaks to your becoming ONE with the harmonic universe. Now you have the tools, the skills, the awakened gifts to flow through life with compassion, non-attachment and grace. But don’t get too comfortable! For the next step beckoning you from this ecstatic state, is The Cave – Meditation.
And the cycle keeps spiraling, as does your evolution!
“This Mystery School allows access to the infinite within us and helps us remember our true divine nature. For me, it opened an inner gate to hidden, sacred wisdom. It has been such a privilege to step into this realm again after so many lifetimes of forgetting. Each step I will take from now on, my heart will beat in gratitude.”
-Tiziana Alma Scalisi, Florence, Italy
Author of Now and Here, www.mimesia.it/

Next Offering of Level One
- What is the Dragon Path Mystery School
- Why are the Celestial Dragons coming to assist us now, in this way?
- What are the 6 steps on the Journey to Become the Harmonic Self?
- Who is ready for this journey?
- What is the time commitment?
- An Overview of the Path
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
“My path with the Dragon Council has
been life-changing, to say the least.
This week alone, I have told no less
than three people how grateful I am to
have forged this relationship with
Grand Master Qi and the Higher
Density Helpers.
I’ve never had such a significant shift
in my consciousness.. I feel a core
stability, emotional well-being,
clarity of mind, and a trust in the flow
of life that is unprecedented.
Being initiated in this mystery school
opened the door to a whole new way
of being. I now know without hesitation
my connection to Source and how
loved I am in every moment.”
-Kanna Scoville, California, USA

Grand Master Qi works with us in many ways…
Right Alignment
Emotional Healing
Experiencing the Universal Harmonics
Galactic Initiation