Intro to the Holistic Channeling
Foundational Seminars
Enjoy this thought-provoking invitation from Maria Owl, director of the Holistic Channeling program at Sacred Future.
- In this replay of her Intro to Holistic Channeling webinar, Maria teaches the qualities of channeling, and it may surprise you.
- Maria goes through the different between being an “Out-of-Control” channel vs. having an “Undeveloped” gift, and she invites listeners to go through the check-list of symptoms of being an out-of-control channel.
- Maria reminds listeners that the Higher Frequency Helpers are our family and friends, they love us and desire to support and help us.
As someone who has been waking up spiritually for 15+ years and doing a lot of learning on my own, it’s been incredibly helpful to take these channeling courses with Maria as I transition into a fuller version of myself. The way that Maria shared her experience, knowledge and gifts simply and humbly throughout the training built trust and credibility with me, and when she shared the class material, I often felt like she was speaking to me personally and my experience of being a channel who is finding her way back to her gifts.

Guidance as You Develop Your Channeling Gift
Maria and Duane intuitively guide each participant through an awakening of their gift with a holistic approach.

Experience & Practice
After foundational teachings and preparation students will have an opportunity to attend an in-person retreat in Hawai’i to experience different frequencies and finally to channel those pure loving frequencies themselves.

Those who innately carry this gift are usually unique and fascinating people! Our community of lightworkers become a family of support for each other into the future.
Welcome to Holistic Channeling!
Growing up as an “out of control medium and channel” I struggled to understand my ability. Mentors were hard to come by and examples of healthy mediums and channels were few and far between. Throughout my 20’s and 30’s I spent a great deal of my time with Indigenous tribes and teachers studying Shamanism. I witnessed how every medicine person or shaman who was “the real deal” would go into a state of channeling during ceremony. Yet, none of them seemed available to help me develop my ability. And, I was too naive and shy to ask for what I wanted.
I faced a decision.
I could either suppress my gift and pretend it wasn’t there, or I could ask Creator to connect me with a teacher. You can guess my choice!
Within one year I met elders within an African earth-based religion who were willing to Initiate me. The religion formed around what’s called a Spirit-Possession tradition. Therefore, those called to initiate as priests, would learn how to channel the elevated ancestors, or loving deities, on behalf of the larger community. Through the priests, messages and energies came through for healing, rectifying, reclaiming, unifying, clarifying and catalyzing transformation. After three years of training with this group, it was time for me to leave and develop a new system to help “out-of-control mediums and channels” – one that was accessible, inclusive, and of a very high octave of love.
Holistic Channeling was born.
Are You a Medium or Channel?
Here is a list of experiences and symptoms most out-of-control channels have:
- Dissociation or prone to daydreaming or spacing out
- Sleep paralysis (when you become conscious out of sleep, but can’t move or talk)
- Easily hypnotizable
- Overwhelm from feeling everyone else’s feelings or hearing everyone’s thoughts
- Something moving your body that isn’t you
- Something speaking through you that isn’t you
- Prophetic Dreams
- Hearing a guiding voice that steers you away from harm
- Chronic neck pain
- Receiving inspiring, clear messages, visions or instructions when driving, showering, or while involved with another trace-inducing activity
- Visitations from Light Beings – ecstatic moments of connection
- Unwanted attacks from negative entities
- Seeing ghosts

You Can Become a Grounded, Embodied Channel
During this course, you will learn all my practices for how to rewire your energetic and physical bodies to be able to have healthy and powerful relationships to your Ancestors and the Higher Dimensional Beings, while never compromising your physical health.
The 4 Foundational Wisdoms
You Will Learn in the Holistic Channeling Course:
Lifestyle practices every channel and medium can do to ensure energetic and physical body integrity for transmitting
How to keep your energy body clean and what physical/emotional symptoms to look for that hint you’re out of balance
How to develop strong protection and strong discernment as you encounter deceased human souls and multi-dimensional entities
How to develop healthy, high vibration connections with loving Spiritual Helpers, Ancestors and Nature Beings, and bring through accurate transmissions that you can absolutely trust!
An Exploration into
Two Online Seminars – 2.5 Hrs Each
The Level One seminars focus on foundational aspects of Holistic Channeling. We will be discussing Purpose, Desire, Calling and Soul Mission, as well as diving deeper into Innate Ability vs. Learned Skills.
The goal of this first gathering is for students to understand where they are now with their ability, where they want to go and what role channeling might play in their life.
We discuss and emphasize the relationship to God Source Presence as Key and Necessary for any Holistic Channeling practice.
As well, we will talk about Physical Body health while channeling through Grounding and Embodiment practices.
This Level One is offered as a Pre-Recorded Class Only
Upon tuition payment, you will receive the access link to listen to
the November 2022 Level One Replay.
Tuition: $111 US
Three Online Seminars – 2.5 Hrs Each
In Level Two we look at the difference between Channeling and Mediumship. We’ll talk about important areas of this sacred work, including spirit-possession and psychopomp work (Helping Lost Souls to the Afterworld). We will also explore Indigenous belief systems around Ancestor Spirits as the Helpers and bestowers of power.
None Scheduled
Tuition: $444 US
Four Online Seminars – 2 Hrs Each
In Level Three we focus on Channeling and Consciousness. This seminar offers students many applicable practices and protocols to enhance your ability to focus and shift your brainwave state to elicit clean and accurate connections with your guides.
We will work with Breath, Meditation, and Mantras to induce an open-hearted, peaceful connection to the Higher Self, which always must precede channeling, while also ensuring a pure field for the session.
These sessions will include individual and group coaching.
None Scheduled
Tuition: $450 US
I’m so grateful for the Holistic Channeling Exploration seminars!
Before the courses I was struggling most with feeling confidence in my protection protocols. The training you provided was very thorough in teaching a strong healthy set up, alignment, protection, invitation and closing (etc.) which helped me feel SO clear, confident and empowered that 3 new clients reached out to me in one weekend just from my energy shift.
Practicing daily clearing and the other meditations and embodiment practices have given me an increased visceral experience of higher healing frequencies.
Before the course, I didn’t realize that there was a part of me that felt guilty for relying so much upon my Spirit Helpers as if I should be able to do life without asking for so much assistance. The insight that helped me release this guilt was knowing and understanding that I’m the one in a body here on Earth and I am Their Purpose… it’s Their turn, their “job” and their LOVING DESIRE to support my ascension! What a relief I felt! Absolute JOY & FREEDOM 😀
Understanding that my entire life and my actual DNA prepared me, called me and initiated me to Channeling via my specific intuitive abilities helped me deepen the confidence, empowerment and connection I feel to Spirit in my work and daily life. Increasing my understanding of myself has also helped me understand my client’s unique experiences at a deeper level which has increased their sense of empowerment and confidence! What a beautiful ripple effect!
Thank you for everything!
… FAQ …
Who Will Benefit From These Seminars?
- Anyone who checked off more than two symptoms in the list at the top of this web page.
- This is for beginning and intermediate level channels and mediums.
- Anyone who is already channeling yet it’s happening without invocation and randomly.
- Anyone who is ready to fine-tune their gift and elevate it into higher frequencies.
- This course is also a great foundational beginning for anyone who thinks they are a channel, but you’re not sure
Why Did I Create This Training?
Holistic Channeling is a lifestyle, a way of moving through the world that is connected, reverent and embodied. Today, I approach channeling as a mature conscious choice and I am accountable to my physical, emotional and mental aspects of self. I’ve experienced myself how tricky exploring this gift can be without guidance. I want to offer people opening to their gift a safe container within which to develop it. I believe it’s worth it to become awake and masterful of your gift, rather than afraid of it and suppressing it. By opening to your gift to channel you have an opportunity to transmit positive life-changing information to your friends, family, clients, and community.
Who Do I Channel?
In 2016 I began bringing through a very high dimensional consciousness who I call The Great Mother. Eventually this Universal vibration diversified into intelligent Soul Complexes identifying themselves as the Sirian Council of Light, my Pleaidian Star Family and some Arcturian and Andromeda Galaxy Ambassadors to Earth. Today my primary Helpers are Grand Master Qi Ang Xong and the Celestial Dragon Council. Together, we created an incredible online and in person course called Becoming the Harmonic Self! I hope you have the blessing of meeting and working with Grand Master Qi one day.